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Aviation Policy News, quotable quotes.

“Speaking at an ACI-Europe symposium in June, Jon Phillips of the Global Infrastructure Investors Association noted that his members, which invest in a range of infrastructure, including pipelines, water, electricity distribution, and so on, as well as airports, currently have $200 billion sitting on the sidelines, waiting to invest. The GIAA experience of airport regulation is threefold: it varies considerably by country; the regulators go to a remarkably deep level of granularity reviewing and regulating so that the ability of airport managers to actually manage commercially is limited; and that generally, there is a populist focus on rates going down now instead of addressing longer-term issues.”
—Andrew Charlton, Aviation Intelligence Reporter, July 2021

Aviation Policy News: Airport emissions and delay management tool, air traffic control tower debacle, and more – Reason Foundation

Aviation StraightTalk Live with GE Aviation President and CEO John Slattery

How can we build back better European aviation after COVID-19 – and what will our industry look like in five years? The environment, changing markets, new consumer behaviours and expectations, all will be explored in a series of live 1-2-1 interviews with industry leaders. Andrew Charlton, journalist and Aviation Advocacy MD, will be asking the tough questions, and all sessions will include a short market update by Eamonn Brennan, EUROCONTROL DG.

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