Andrew Interviewed by CGTN Business News
Andrew discusses implications for Aviation with CGTN Business News, as fears mount from the latest COVID variant (Omicron).
Online European Aviation Conference
9th European Aviation Conference
01 – 02.December, 2021
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Aviation StraightTalk Live with CAA Chair Sir Stephen Hillier
Aviation Policy News, quotable quotes.
“Speaking at an ACI-Europe symposium in June, Jon Phillips of the Global Infrastructure Investors Association noted that his members, which invest in a range of infrastructure, including pipelines, water, electricity distribution, and so on, as well as airports, currently have $200 billion sitting on the sidelines, waiting to invest. The GIAA experience of airport regulation is threefold: it varies considerably by country; the regulators go to a remarkably deep level of granularity reviewing and regulating so that the ability of airport managers to actually manage commercially is limited; and that generally, there is a populist focus on rates going down now instead of addressing longer-term issues.”
—Andrew Charlton, Aviation Intelligence Reporter, July 2021
Alitalia is dead! Long live Alitalia?
Aviation StraightTalk Live with GE Aviation President and CEO John Slattery
How can we build back better European aviation after COVID-19 – and what will our industry look like in five years? The environment, changing markets, new consumer behaviours and expectations, all will be explored in a series of live 1-2-1 interviews with industry leaders. Andrew Charlton, journalist and Aviation Advocacy MD, will be asking the tough questions, and all sessions will include a short market update by Eamonn Brennan, EUROCONTROL DG.